Setting Up This Blog
It has been quite a while since I wanted to setup a personal vanity blog. Earlier I had tried setting this up using Pelican, but wasn't quite impressed by the themes available then, so thought of trying something else later. After 3.5 years, I am finally setting it up again using Jekyll this time.
Jekyll is pretty straight forward to setup. The installation steps are given at Jekyll docs. The theme that I used is called Long Haul. After cloning the theme, I just need to do the following to generate the static site.
> jekyll b
To test it locally, I just need to do this and it would start a local server at port 4000
> bundle exec jekyll serve
The static website is generated at _site/
directory. Github Pages have in-built integration with jekyll and once the jekyll repo is pushed to giyhub, it automatically renders the static website.